Unit 4: Data Analysis

Kill 3 Birds with One Stone!

Data analysis is the branch of mathematics used by scientists and social scientists to help them make sense of the information they collect. Because of this you're going to see it on 3 of the subject tests: science, social studies, AND math! By mastering this unit, you'll be prepping for THREE tests at once! Not too shabby. 

Get Ready!

Grab your TI-30XS Multi-view calculator and your GED® formula sheet to be fully prepared for this unit. 


Work through each of these lessons- watching each video, taking notes, and completing at least one of the related practices- to boost your data analysis skills for your math, science and social studies tests. 

Lesson 7: Multi-Step Percent Word Problems

Lesson 8: Interpreting Circle Graphs

Lesson 9: Solving for a Missing Percent

Lesson 10: Percent Change Problems

Lesson 11: Box and Whisker Charts

Lesson 12: MMMR from Charts and Graphs

Review: Mean, Median, Mode and Range

Review: Interpreting Charts and Graphs

Lesson 13: Percents with Proportions

Review: Multi-Step Percent, Ratio and Proportion Problems
